When starting your new salon it is a good idea to allow your clients to pay with a credit card. Cash is always appreciated, but in todays digital age more and more people prefer to pay with plastic instead of paper. We’ve found that the best way to do this is through Square (www.squareup.com).
Square offers a reasonable transaction fee of 2.75% on any credit card (even Amex). If you’ve accepted credit cards before you will know that certain SkyMiles, cash rewards or travel points cards charge a higher transaction fee than usual to cover the expense of those perks for the cardholder. With Square you pay just one flat rate across the board. No guessing, no surprises.
In addition, the Square app user interface is extremely user-friendly, and even the most technology-impaired salon professionals have no problem using the app to charge cards after 5 minutes of practice on the app.
Signup is easy – all you need is your checking account info, your business name and address, and you can be up and running within no time. Visit www.squareup.com to get started today.