
Motivation and Inspiration


Hilton Bell, IMAGE Owner in Tampa Bay, FL has been a Hair Stylist for over 40 years. We are delighted that he is writing exclusively for our website on what has kept him in the business so long, and how he keeps re-inventing.

A salon room with a shampoo bowl and swivel chair is displayed. The room has a white counter and view of the outdoors

In any creative field, it’s important to be motivated or inspired, without a decent level of both, life can be dull and somewhat harder. We have all experienced different times in life where the inspiration to do something has been strong or high. This is normally followed by the same level of energy and action toward that particular activity or project that you are inspired about.

In my mind inspiration and motivation are linked together, with inspiration coming first. The word motivation suggests that there is motion involved. Before motion or activity can happen there has to be a thought process that precedes it.

From my experience, being motivated towards seeing something achieved and accomplished has much more reward and satisfaction connected with it. But where do you get motivation and inspiration?

For me it has always been setting new goals and challenges, once I get comfortable with something, I know it’s time to push the envelope to something I don’t fully know or understand yet. I have consistently tried to take all aspects of my career and continue to learn.

Consistently looking at all aspects of design and art for an idea or direction that I can translate into my work. This inspiration sometimes comes from unusual places! Having discussions, with friends who are architects, photographers, fashion designers, graphic designers, filmmakers, musicians, and artists. I have gotten huge amounts of insight, different viewpoints, and ideas over the years.

As a hairdresser and designer, I make sure I surround myself with as many beautiful things and people who are involved in the creative fields as possible.

I also make sure I get those people out of my life that are negative and pull the creative juices out of you. They do exist and it’s important to realize this. I have found over the years that a lot of people won’t try something new or different, because it might not work or what if I failed at the attempt to do it, what if it comes out wrong? If I use all the knowledge I have and try something new and it doesn’t work – then that is a lesson in itself!

For anyone reading this that has fallen into the trap of going to work every day, going through the motions, without being motivated, feeling bored and tired, it’s time to get some inspiration!

It’s important for any creative individual, who is involved in producing results in a creative pursuit to maintain a certain amount of freshness and variety in their work. After all, isn’t fashion about change.

There are numerous influences and ways to get inspiration that vary for each individual, the important thing is to clarify what those things are and make sure you get a good dose of them on a consistent basis.

Inspiration and motivation are infectious. Make sure you’re getting and giving big doses on a regular basis, reminding yourself of what fired you up in the beginning.

Hilton Bell

Hilton has been involved in the Hair and Beauty profession for 0ver 45 years. During that time he owned and operated 5 different salons as well as consulted others in the Beauty industry, in Australia. He moved to the USA in 1998. Opened another salon in Florida as well as International Hair and Beauty Systems, which bought Organic hair products to the Hairdressing profession in 2000. The company was sold in 2010 and is still one of the leaders in this arena.

Career Highlights

  • Won Wella High fashion Design awards
  • Nominated 3 times – Australian Hairdresser of the Year
  • Appeared in Australia’s Top Hairdressers Book
  • Developed L’oreal’s true colors system
  • Served as a board member HBIA in Australia (Hairdressing & Beauty Industry Association)
  • Owner of International Hair & Beauty Systems acting as President & Creative Director
  • Hair Color Education Director & Presenter for International Hair & Beauty Systems